Thursday, August 18, 2011

Silver Lake

A colourful, delight - Put simply a Rainbow of art, how a-fitting we ate lunch at the 'Local' - a organic cafe proving a chicken and curry sandwich which despite its advertising looks had to be eaten nothing or less with a knife and fork - Not out of an ordinary that is, as the Locals of L.A expect nothing less than portion sizes which unfortunately, can't be grasped with two hands - oh and don't forget the soy latte which could of at least provided the necessary coffee fix for a small pride of humans.

Nevertheless it surely had me on my way - L.A a cultural display of houses within houses, cities within cities, Silver Lake is no small example of this; 

I might be an outsider, not yet considered a local, however graced with time, effort and persistence - The Local might just find me.


The Bandhini Representative!