Monday, August 15, 2011

Bandhini in the USA

To be completely honest things within the US market seem to be no light task in what is developing a small family Australian Business into a global international company. The excitement of exploring and educating an American mentally to our products and services within Bandhini can and will be both a rewarding and possibly ground breaking experience.

As our movements have been noted at the recent Trade Fair in Las Vegas, It has set about introducing our brand and image, which is Bandhini.

It was a great time to speak with industry representatives, develop and build relationship however more importantly understand our visions and goals for the next coming months.

Our Bandhini discovery will be a journey - However give nor take, stumble and stand tall, it is journey which will simply add to our Bandhini life experiences.

The comments where all fresh and positive - by far the most loved storey would have to be the earthy, organic Champagne collection - Americans are very much highlighting the importance of supporting companies which are eco friendly and which produce bio degradable products.

They loved the appeal Bandhini has, not only with the way in which we create our creations however, the connection we have with families to which deliver our concepts.
