Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The pixel trade

Our photographer Shantanu started a project called "The Pixel Trade", travelling the world without using money. 

"As a professional photographer I will trade my services for a few days, photographing any subject, in return for the necessities: Food, Shelter, Transport. The edited photographs are my part of the trade. In order for my journey to continue I ask to be introduced to a new trader during my stay. A friend, an associate, anyone that would benefit from having professional photographs taken. The pixel trade will continue, leading from one place to the next"

We recommend Shantanu to anyone who wants a professional shoot. It was a great experience and a pleasure to work with him. As part of the deal we will send him over to LA for a next trade!

Have a look at our trade (XI) and follow Shantanu's journey on http://thepixeltrade.com/